Day Seven_WSCP and the Domestic Abuse Alliance

16 Days of Action

Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership  

The Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) is a statutory agency established by the Children and Social Work Act (2017). The WSCP replaced the previous Wirral Safeguarding Children Board on the 1st September 2019. WSCP is a multi-agency partnership of organisations who agree how to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The WSCP is led by the three statutory safeguarding partners of the Local Authority, Merseyside Police and Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group.

The WSCP is responsible for ensuring safeguarding arrangements across partner agencies are robust and for testing how strong arrangements are. To support this activity the WSCP undertakes a variety of work each year including:

  • Publishing safeguarding policies and procedures for partner agencies
  • Auditing safeguarding arrangements in individual agencies and collectively across the partnership
  • Providing multi-agency training for the children’s workforce
  • Undertaking reviews of cases, including statutory child practice reviews and multi-agency learning reviews
  • Raising awareness of safeguarding issues and priorities including child sexual exploitation, neglect of children, domestic abuse and radicalisation
  • Promoting the message that the safeguarding is Wirral’s children and young people is Everyone’s responsibility

For more information visit:


Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy

The Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership and the Domestic Abuse Alliance are publishing their three-year Violence Against Women and Girls strategy.

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) refers to a range of crimes, with the common theme that they disproportionately affect women and girls. This strategy has been developed to help professionals identify, prevent and respond to all gender-based violence.

The strategy, and its four key priority areas of prevention and education; support for victims; reducing harm; and building safer communities, all aim to bring about a cultural shift leading to long-term change in attitudes, and to ensure that agencies and professionals are able to identify and respond to violence and abuse, whilst safeguarding and supporting victims and pursuing perpetrators, provide appropriate safety and support for victims and tackle perpetrators.

The DA Alliance and the WSCP are particularly grateful to all the individual women and girls who shared their experiences with us to inform this strategy.

The full strategy, resources and places which can offer support can be found here:
VAWG Strategy